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Meet our Coaches

We have a wonderful group of coaches that work wonders with our children.


Alex Vardamen, Head Coach

Alli Wilson

Miranda Kelly

Kelsey Oliver

Brent Schrimsher

Miranda is an assistant coach at Alexander City Gymnastics.  She is 18 years old and recently graduated from BRHS.  She is currently attending CACC and majoring in Health Service Administration.  She has been working and volunteering at AC gymnastics for 7 years.  She was a cheerleader for 6 years.  She did gymnastics until she was 10 years old and reached level 4.  She enjoys working will all the girls and getting to know them each and everyday.

Brent is an assistant coach.  He is 26 years old.  He is originally from Bridgeport, Al.  He cheered in high school and was captain on an all-star squad for two years.  He has taught tumbling and stunting for almost 5 years at multiple gyms.  He moved to Alex City for a job.  He teaches physical and environmental sciences at Coosa Central High School.  This will be his 2nd year teaching.  He graduated from Auburn University in 2010 with a B.S. degree.

Kelsey is an assistant coach.  She graduated from BRHS in 2012.  She is now a student at CACC majoring in Elementary Education.  She has been working at AC Gymnastics since she was in the 8th grade.  She was a cheerleader in middle school and took gymnastics when she was younger.  She enjoys coming to work everyday and working with all of the gymnasts.

Alli is an assistant coach.  She is 16 years old and a junior at BRHS.  She loves to tumble and dance.  I cheered for ACMS for two years and BRHS her 9th grade year.  After high school, she plans on attending CACC for two years, then transferring to Auburn.  She is really excited about teaching something she loves!!





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